Where to Take Instagram Pictures at West Point
Now I haven’t been everywhere, but West Point is easiestly one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Between the picturesque trees and flowers and the centuries old buildings, it’s pretty easy to get a good shot for the ‘gram at West Point. Whether you’re taking a tour with your family or visiting your cadet there’s a good chance you’re going to be taking a lot of pictures while you’re visiting.
When I first moved to West Point, I was obsessed with taking pictures of the place. I’ve since deactivated that Instagram account but if you were to scroll through my old Instagram feed you would see tons of pictures of different buildings, trees, statues… pretty much whatever I could point and shoot at using my iPhone camera. Let’s be honest, I’m still pretty much obsessed with taking pictures at West Point so I thought it would be fun to share what I think are the 5 most Instagrammable places at West Point! With the start of the academic year approaching and events such as the Acceptance Day Parade and Ring Weekend rounding out August, I figured now would be a great time to share these Instagram-worthy West Point locations.
1. Kosciuszko's Garden
Kosciuszko's Garden is a place that is very near and dear to my heart. When Justin was a Plebe (or a freshman for all of you who don't know the West Point lingo) we would spend a lot of time on these garden benches just talking and getting to know each other. Naturally we had to have some of our engagement pictures taken there. Our engagement pictures were taken in April so spring had definitely not sprung yet and the garden was in a bit of disarray but beautiful nevertheless. Kosciuszko's Garden is Instagram-worthy no matter what time of year but my advice is to check it out in the spring or summer. The garden lies just under the West Point club and is accessible from a set of stairs on the right of the building (if you're facing it). On one side there are these adorable benches and the stone wall which reads Saratoga and on the other is a set of stairs and a fountain. The variety of Instagrammable options of Kosciuszko's Garden will not disappoint!
2. Trophy Point
If you're visiting West Point and you're looking for a more traditional place to take photos for your Instagram then Trophy Point is going to be the spot for you. Trophy Point has many different Instagram-worthy spots to take shots at including this breathtaking scenic overlook of the Hudson River. No matter the season, the Hudson River overlook at Trophy Point is sure to be Instgrammable. In addition to scenic views, Trophy Point also includes historic monuments such as the Civil War Monument and even a piece of the great chain used to keep the British from traveling up the Hudson River way back in the day. You can even get creative with some cannons or recreate this iconic West Point picture with your cadet.
3. Lusk Reservoir
Lusk Reservoir is located in the heart of West Point, just by Michie Stadium. If you're a fan of bridges and stone work then you are going to love Lusk Reservoir. My favorite time of year to take pictures at Lusk is during the fall and even in the winter! If there are golden leaves on trees or the reservoir is frozen over with ice and snow, your picture is sure to be dynamic. The bridge that acts as a walkway over the reservoir is a local favorite for pictures because of the gorgeous scenery and architecture. I've also seen my fair share of proposals take place here. There are benches on either side of the bridge leaving you endless options to get your Instagram-worthy Lusk Reservoir shot!
4. Flirtation (Flirty) Walk
Flirtation Walk (or Flirty Walk for short) is another hidden gem and favorite of mine. A lot of people steer clear of Flirty Walk because of it's reputation for being a hook up spot but with views of the Hudson encapsulated by nature it is an absolute must see if you're looking for a good Instagram spot. However, there is a catch. If you're not accompanied by a cadet you're technically not supposed to be on Flirty Walk. One of my favorite spots though is this arch where we shot some of our engagement pictures which you can go to, whether you have a cadet with you or not. Follow the road to the helicopter pad and it'll lead you right to the arch. If you have your cadet (bonus because you can get even better pictures) then take a hike (literally) and explore all of the Instgrammable places Flirty Walk has to offer!
5. Michie Stadium
If you have any type of tie to West Point, chances are that you'll end up going to at least one Army football game at Michie Stadium. The picture above was taken at Michie Stadium during the final home game of the 2016 season, just after Justin and I got engaged! If we're being honest, this picture is probably one of my favorites to ever grace my Instagram feed. There isn't much in the way of variety when it comes to getting a shot at Michie Stadium but some of my favorites include getting the field in the background or snagging a picture with the Army mules. Despite it's lack in variety, getting a shot from Michie Stadium is a must do if you want the total West Point experience.
And that rounds up the list of the 5 most Instagrammable places at West Point! I had so much fun doing this post so let me know if you want to see more Instagram-worthy locations. In the mean time, you can see more Instagrammable places and things by following me on Instagram! I try to post at least once a day so there's always something new to see! If you've been to West Point let me know what you're favorite Instagram spot is! West Point truly has so much to offer in the way of Instagrammable locations that this post didn't even begin to cover them.
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