Currently In My Shopping Cart, 6/20/19
This post includes affiliate links. I may make a small commission off of purchase made through links shared on Made in Mom Jeans. As always, I strive to only share the best products with MIMJ Readers. All proceeds made through affiliate links go directly to the blog. Thank you for your support!
I love sharing the things I’m currently shopping for with you guys and y’all seriously loved the last post I did about what was currently in my shopping cart (hard to believe that was just after Jasper was born!). So I figured I would make this a thing that happens every other Friday on MIMJ. If you’ve been following along on our moving journey then you’ll know we just moved into a HUGE house with lots of blank empty walls. Our stuff comes NEXT FRIDAY thank the sweet Lord but you can expect to find me shopping for a lot of home decor for the foreseeable future. Baby items are also a frequent purchase as Jasper is growing so fast and I’m always looking for new things to entertain him with. I’ll be doing a Baby Essentials blog post for his 0-3 month favorites coming up soon so stay tuned for that if you’re interested in all the baby things.
Let me know what you’re shopping for, products your loving, and whatever else you’re currently coveting down in the comment section! I love seeing what you guys are buying and you seriously have THE BEST recommendations!

Utensil Crock- Is it bad that I have my finger’s crossed hoping that our current one doesn’t make it? If anything gets broken in this move, at least it could be the flower pot turned utensil holder I’ve been using for years.
Bamboo Dish Rack- I’ve wanted one of these for a really long time and I don’t like the ones made specifically for bottles. This looks nice and is useful for way more than just bottles so I figured it would be a win-win for the kitchen.
Picture Frames- I love the look of these frames and plan on hanging three of them above our bed with pictures from one of our engagement shoots, our wedding, and then the newborn photos we did with Jasper. I can’t wait to see how this turns out!
SwaddleMe Swaddles- These are by far our favorite swaddles. We started using them right away in the hospital! Jasper has outgrown his current one length wise and we don’t like the transitional ones by HALO so we’re going to order the next size in these and just continue to swaddle him with his arms out.
TULA Primer- I have heard nothing but great things about this product! I’ve been in the market for a new primer and this one is decently priced so I figured it would be worth a try since I love their skincare products so much!
TULA Acne Oil- I figured that adding an Acne product into my skincare regime would be a good move and I’m hoping that this one doesn’t completely destroy my skin since it’s a TULA product.
Madewell Medium Transport Tote- I got the small version of this for my birthday from my mom (thanks mom!) and I seriously love it so much that I’m ready to invest in the larger version and probably never wear any other handbags ever again. I’m surprised at how little I actually carry our diaper bag even though it goes with us everywhere so I think having the medium version of this tote will be a good edition to the mix.
Fox Stool- I think this would look so precious in Jasper’s nursery! I can’t wait to share it with you guys.