#MadeIn365Days Photo Diary - Week Four
September 23rd
I have been so blessed since we moved to Alaska. It immediately felt like home and I have met some really fantastic friends. So grateful that it hasn’t been as difficult as I found it at Benning. I think God definitely knew I needed to go through that though. Today I was so thankful for my sweet friend who invited me to her (adorable) home for afternoon coffee. She set up the sweetest play area for Jasper and helped me out with my camera.
September 24th
My oldest boy. Somewhere in all of the photos I have on Facebook, there is a similar photo of Gatsby. We have a flock of pigeons that nest right over this window and it makes me so happy that he gets to watch his favorite thing (birds) all day.
September 25th
I love the way that our house is coming together. This photo is of Jasper’s play area/my office space. Our house doesn’t really have one style and I love how much freedom that gives me when it comes to decorating. Something as easy as making this space colorful for Jasper to entice play but still aesthetically pleasing was a dream come true for me. This was also the day that I shared our breastfeeding journey with the world and I’m blown away by the support I received.
September 26th
Today I learned that there’s just nothing cuter than a baby in a winter hat.
September 27th
I put the finishing touches on Jasper’s nursery today and shot it for the blog. I can’t believe I’m finally sharing it, six months later. I definitely could have done it faster but I have loved putting thought behind each and every piece in his room. It is something that has a bit of old and a bit of new and will continue to grow with him as he does. I can’t wait to sit down with him and tell him the story about each and every piece.
September 28th
The room that broke the internet. Totally kidding but ICYMI, we gave our arctic entryway a much needed aesthetic and functional makeover. When you walk into our house, this is the first thing you see and I’m so happy that it looks 10x better than when we first saw it (I cried).
September 29th
I found a new favorite wine tonight. After a weekend of DIY projects and cleaning, it was much needed. I don’t really have a method to choosing wines. This one happened to be on special and I thought the label was cool. Turns out, it’s delicious.