My 21 Day Fix Experience and Results with Photos
I was always one of those people who swore up and down (and left and right) that I would never ever try one of those crazy multi level marketing fad diets or programs. I was diligent in staying strong in the face of a million It Works distributors stalking my Instagram but when a girl I somewhat knew from highschool messaged me on Facebook about Shakeology and Beachbody, I knew I was in trouble.
Yep, that’s right. I bought into it more than 21 days ago now and I’m happy to report that I have completed the first iteration of the 21 Day Fix and have already started my second. In all honesty, the girl who would become my “Coach” was just too nice for me to turn down (and she gave me a pretty good deal). After a few messages back and forth and a week or two of mulling it over, I finally decided to purchase the $160 package which included meal prep containers and a shake cup, a 30 day supply of Shakeology, and a year long subscription to Beachbody on demand, which pretty much ensures that I don’t have to set foot inside of a gym for the next year. While I wasn’t crazy on dropping that kind of money on something I didn’t know would work, I decided I had nothing to lose. Read on to learn more about my 21 Day Fix experience and Results… with photos!
My Struggle With Body Image
I have struggled with a negative body image for as long as I can remember. I suppose it all started when I was the first girl in my class/age group to get boobs… in the 4th grade. At my smallest in high school, I was a 00 (probably because I wasn’t eating like at all) and at my largest I was probably pushing a size 12. Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with any of these sizes and I am a huge advocate of the fact that all bodies are beautiful but I would find myself constantly tearing myself apart in the mirror, or when trying on clothes, or at formal events with Justin more recently. Honestly, hating your body that much is exhausting.
The first year that Justin and I were together, I think I lost almost 25 pounds. I was running a lot and sometimes I would even work out twice a day. But I’m very petite and I have large hips so I still wasn’t happy with the way I looked. I resigned myself to the fact that I would never be happy with my body. This created an even bigger problem because I would occasionally work out but I could never stick to a program. I would start one and quit a month in. The worst part was that I just assumed that because I was working out occasionally, I could eat whatever I wanted. I didn’t care about what I was putting into my body.
Day One of the 21 Day Fix
Weight and Measurements
Chest: 25
Right Arm: 13
Left Arm: 13
Waist: 32
Hips: 41
Right Thigh: 24
Left Thigh: 23
Weight: 144
Here is what I looked like on Day 1 of my 21 Day Fix. Some of you may look at those pictures and say “She has nothing to complain about” but I woke up on Day 1 ready to tackle the next 21 days and to make a serious and permanent lifestyle change. I set my alarm for 5 am, an hour earlier than I usually wake up in the morning, so that I could knock my workouts out before work. Trying to find or make time to workout was always a struggle for me. I was so surprised by how much I enjoyed that first workout.
Each 21 Day Fix workout only takes 30 minutes to complete. At most, you only need two sets of dumbbells or a resistance band as well. Can we talk about convenience? The workouts, while challenging, didn’t make me feel as though they were impossible to do and even kept me excited to do the next one and to repeat them the following week to see how much I had improved.
The most important part of the 21 Day Fix and what is going to give you real results at the end is sticking to the meal plan. The 21 Day Fix meal plan is super easy to follow because of the containers. Before you begin, you calculate your daily caloric intake and find the corresponding chart that tells you how many of each of the different colors you should have per day. It really doesn’t get much easier than that. Of course, this really got me out of my comfort zone because I found myself having to actually cook but it was a challenge I was more than ready for. Let me know if you want to keep hearing about the 21 Day Fix and I’ll be more than happy to do a post including my favorite 21 Day Fix approved recipes!
Day 21 of the 21 Day Fix
Weight and Measurements
Chest: 24
Right Arm: 12.5
Left Arm: 12.5
Waist: 31
Hips: 39
Right Thigh: 23
Left Thigh: 22
Weight: 136
As you can see, I’ve managed to change my body significantly in just 21 days. It’s amazing what you can do when you apply 30 minutes a day and good food! While my results may not seem like they’re the most dramatic based on the numbers, I can tell you that I’ve seen a huge change since starting this program. For starters, I have way more energy each day than I did before. I also feel more confident than I think I ever have in my entire life. My anxiety and depression haven’t flared up. And my skin is significantly clearer. These, including the weight loss and inches, are all of the changes I’ve noticed just in 21 days.
While I’m not 100% satisfied with my results, that’s on me. I splurged on comfort foods and alcohol a little more than I probably should have. That being said, I am happy to report that I did not have pasta or Mac and Cheese (especially from Panera) besides a little nibble here or there for the entire program. If you know me well then you know this is a huge accomplishment for me as I pretty much ate Panera mac and cheese at least twice a week before the 21 Day Fix. That being said, now I have the knowledge I needed to know when and how much to splurge. It’s okay to eat Panera mac and cheese for dinner occasionally people!
After the 21 Day Fix
I knew I was going to continue this program for good this past Saturday when I was getting ready for another Army football game. If you follow me on Instagram than you may have seen this outfit either on my feed or in my stories but I wanted to mention it here for a few reasons. One, can anyone explain to me why it was so unseasonably warm last Saturday? I wore a t-shirt and a skirt to a football game at the end of October… that’s it. This time last year I was wearing two winter coats and still having to steal Justin’s. Two, I would have never, ever worn something like this to a football game and not felt self conscious. A few games back I wore a jean overall dress over a jersey and felt like crap the entire time. The exact opposite happened at the Army vs. Temple game (side note, can we talk about how AMAZING that game was?). I didn’t think about my outfit once (except maybe when I was walking to my car by myself in the dark).
As I mentioned, I’m already 5 days into my second round of the 21 Day Fix and while I’ve taken a few cheat days this week due to some crazy mishaps with meal prepping, I’m so excited to continue this journey that I’ve started. I don’t think I will ever actually become a Beachbody Coach but please don’t hesitate to ask me questions if you have them. Also, if you want more posts on my 21 Day Fix experience I would LOVE to write them so leave your requests below!
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