Random Sh*t I Love - Monthly Favorites, January 2019
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Well, here we are. We blinked and we’re a whole freaking month into 2019, y’all! That’s crazy. Also crazy: my son will be here in like two dang months. I can’t even believe it! Anyways, one of the goals I set for myself this year was to commit to doing 12 monthly favorites posts (aka one post per month) and I am happy to be here with you guys kicking off the very first edition of “Random Sh*t I Love - Monthly Favorites” for January 2019! Now, I’m no stranger to doing monthly favorites posts so there are more than a few you can check out here on the blog. BUT I have never been able to successfully complete a full year of monthly favorites. Here me now, I am putting it out there to the universe: 2019 will be that year!
ANYWAYS, each month I’ll be rounding up my ten or so favorite things for you guys and sharing them. I think you get the gist. Also, be sure to comment below with some of your favorites from the month of January so I can check them out! Before I keep rambling on which we all know I can easily do, let’s get right into the Random Sh*t I Love for January 2019!
1. Reading | The Made in Mom Jeans Reading Challenge - #MIMJReads
Early this month, I officially launched the Made in Mom Jeans Reading Challenge since I failed at running a book club. I’m happy to report that I’m currently on my third book of the year already! I’ve been having so much fun doing the challenge which has really been pushing me outside of my comfort zone when it comes to the books I’ve been reading (even though so far they’ve still all been YA but anyways)… So far I’ve read The Hunger Games and Throne of Glass and I’m currently working through The Gilded Wolves! The Gilded Wolves is definitely not a book I would have normally picked up but I’m enjoying it so far. The characters are unique and entertaining which is always a plus in my book. Click here to Pin the Made in Mom Jeans Reading Challenge for later!
2. Brown Leather Pocket Photo Albums from Amazon
Something I really want to work on is being better about actually printing out pictures. I saw a YouTuber order these photo albums from Amazon and when I found out that they came in this pretty brown leather (and as a 2 pack!) I couldn’t resist. I grabbed two of these 300 pocket photo albums for like $30 which if you’ve ever looked at photo albums in store, you know is a pretty good deal! I can’t wait to fill up these albums with more and more pictures. Right now the album of Justin and I literally only has 4 photos. How sad is that? I’m excited to go back through all of our photos from West Point, our engagement sessions, and especially our wedding and start printing out more and more photos. Also, you know when Jasper gets here he’s going to have an album all to himself.
3. GoldBond Ultimate Overnight Deep Moisturizing Lotion
Like I said, this list is totally random so here’s a drugstore goody that has quickly become a staple in our home. I am actually obsessed with this GoldBond Ultimate Overnight Deep Moisturizing Lotion that I got from an Influenster box. If you’ve ever gotten a box from Influenster then you know that they’re sometimes completely random so I wasn’t really excited when I opened the box and saw this lotion. BUT YOU GUYS. This lotion has come in so clutch for the third trimester sleep struggles! I recently shared how it has become part of my nightly routine over on Instagram and I couldn't help myself by mentioning it over here again as well. It’s that good. The scent is seriously calming and the lotion works pretty dang well without getting greasy. Cause nobody has time for greasy hands.
4. Universal Thread Panama Hat
I couldn’t tell you where my desire to get a hat came from this month but I am obsessed with this brown hat I picked up at Target. It’s already been on my Instagram a few times and I love how effortless it makes an outfit look. It’s safe to say I’m obsessed with this thing now. It’s so nice to be able to be playing around with fashion again after being in such a style slump for most of my pregnancy. I am already looking forward to my postpartum wardrobe and what my “mom style” is going to be like. This hat will definitely be one of those items that becomes a closet staple in the Made in Mom Jeans wardrobe!
5. Devacurl Low Poo Delight Shampoo and One Conditioner Delight
If you’ve followed me for any amount of time then you can probably tell by now that I have hair that is a bit unruly. It’s frizzy, especially down here in this Georgia humidity, and while it holds curls well, it’s more wavy when dried naturally. It doesn’t take me long to style it but I knew that with a new baby coming I would have way less time to actually get ready and do my hair when I wanted to. So after hearing some great reviews on the Devacurl system from other women in my family, I decided to give it a try. Y’all, let me tell you when my hair dried the first day I was actually SHOCKED. It looked like I had actually taken the time to style it when all I had done was showered and let it air dry. I only picked up the shampoo and conditioner on my last trip to Ulta but I’ll definitely be adding some styling products to the mix to make my hair even that much easier to do once Jasper arrives. If you have wavy or curly hair and you’re not sure what to do about your hair on a daily basis, definitely check out the line of Devacurl products. You can even get your hair cut by a Devacurl stylist which I think is super awesome too. I may be trying that out as well here in the next few weeks!
6. Nesting
If you’re following me on Instagram then you know I have been in full blown nesting mode since the beginning of 2019. I’ve practically gone through almost every room in the house at this point. There still is some major purging and organizing to be done in our guest room but that’s the last big room left to finish before we can take all of the accumulated crap we don’t need or use to Goodwill. It’s been so nice to be able to get this stuff taking care of before the baby comes and we start our lives as first time parents while also trying to plan a 4,000+ mile move to Alaska.
7. Nightly Bubble Baths
Like I mentioned early, a good night’s sleep has been hard to come by in the third trimester. I’ve been loving taking a nightly bubble bath to wind down before bed. I spend about an hour in the tub reading before lathering my bump with lotion and heading to the bedroom to continue reading. I think a combination of the bath, reading, and lack of screen time has definitely improved my ability to sleep during this last stretch before the baby comes.
8. Threshold Storage Bins
These Threshold storage bins are seriously used all over our house so if you’re looking for organization that is both functional and cute, definitely check these guys out. They come in a wide variety of different sizes and colors and can be used with the Threshold cube storage organizers which we also love! We have at least 6 of these in our bedroom currently and it’s done wonders for helping us organize clothing as well as baby essentials that we need to have out and about so we can easily access. I’m sure we’ll be picking up even more as Jasper’s arrival gets closer.
9. The Game Show Network
I don’t know why but my husband and I have been living for The Game Show Network this past month. We watch it while we’re eating dinner and in the evenings when we just want something fun to watch together but can’t pick anything on Netflix or Hulu. We turn the game shows into a little bit of a contest to see who can get more answers right and it’s always entertaining to see what the other one is going to say (especially when watching something like Family Feud). I’m a huge trivia buff and like to consider myself pretty good at it so we’ve been enjoying the show Common Knowledge a ton lately!
10. Bullet Journals
Is there ever going to be a monthly favorites where I don’t mention my bullet journal? Probably not. HA. Anyways, this year I wanted to commit to using my bullet journal THE ENTIRE YEAR and so far I’ve been loving it. I definitely think it has helped increase my productivity level and it’s a great creative outlet for me as well. If you’ve ever considered starting a bullet journal, I highly recommend checking out the blog post I wrote a few weeks ago The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Bullet Journal! There you’ll find tons of useful information about bullet journals as well as the setup for my 2019 bullet journal. Be sure to let me know what other type of bullet journaling related content you want to see too!
What were some of your favorite things for January? Did any of these things make your list too? Let me know!

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