AM Coffee Talk #17 - My New Tattoo, Rebranding, + More!
Whew, buddy, it feels like it's been a while since our last Saturday Morning Coffee sesh, hasn't it? I had every intention of having an SMC go up last Saturday when I was in Nashville but Friday night got the best of me... what can I say, I'm getting older and I just can't hang like I used to be able to in college. I hope you're just as excited for this SMC as I am because there are some pretty cool announcements/other things in today's post.
I hope you guys had a fantastic week this past week. I know mine had it's share of hits and misses but it was still a pretty good week, and I got a "snow" day without any snow. Don't you just love when stuff like that happens and you can actually do the errands you've been putting off? I know I do.
Let's get into the things I actually loved this week and some pretty exciting things. Got your coffee ready?
ONE | Nashville
Obviously, I'm not actually moving to Nashville, but I wish I was! I haven't fallen so hard for a city since I visited New York City for the first time. Nashville has something for everyone as I mentioned in my post about the pros and cons of having a Nashville Bachelorette Party. Everything from the style of Nashville to its atmosphere sucked me right in. I can't wait to go back with Justin because I know he's going to love it as much as I do. I'll be doing a full recap of everything we did on the blog this week so keep an eye out for that!
TWO | DontGiveaHufflepuff, my Harry Potter Instagram!
I've been re-reading the Harry Potter series and have been wanting to produce A TON of Harry Potter themed content. I know that Harry Potter isn't everyone's cup of coffee (see what I did there) so I decided to create an Instagram specifically for all of my Harry Potter pictures! Now, this doesn't mean that I'm never going to post something Harry Potter related on my actual Instagram but most of it will be on my second account. So if you like all things Harry Potter, go check it out!
THREE | My new tattoo
On whim, my cousin and I got tattoos on our last day in Nashville! If you didn't already see, I got a Harry Potter themed tattoo. It's the stars from the page corners of the books and is one that I have wanted to get for as long as I can remember. I'm honestly not sure why I didn't get this tattoo the first time I got one. I'm planning on doing an entire post about my two tattoos and what they mean so that'll be coming in April!
FOUR | Rebranding is in the works!
I've mentioned it on the blog a few times but this summer, after we get married and after the blog turns a year old (so sometime in July) I will be rebranding this blog. The rebrand is not something I want to keep secret or anything like that because honestly, you all are the reason I am rebranding! I'm going to be doing a full post in the next month or so about the reasoning behind the rebrand and what you can expect from the blog during that time and in the future and I'm super excited to share all of that with y'all but first I NEED YOUR HELP!
I started a rebranding survey but decided, based on the initial responses, that it wasn't the vibe I was going for and I've now settled on what I think is something very exciting for this blog and the community we've started to build (remember my 2018 word of the year?). If you are interested in helping me with the rebrand and the future of our little internet collective than please take a few minutes to complete the survey. It is different than the original one I sen tout to the reader survey participants so if you've already completed the survey once and don't mind taking it again, it would be greatly appreciated!
FIVE | My Bridesmaids
If there is one thing last weekend taught me it's that I have the best bridesmaids in the entire world. They went above and beyond for my weekend in Nashville to celebrate that my wedding is in like 60 DAYS! I wrote a post when this blog first started about choosing your bridesmaids and I definitely picked the best ones.
Blog Posts I Loved This Week:
Tips for Working from Home - I cannot believe I haven't featured Kate here yet. She's one of my blogging buddies and I absolutely love her blog! She's always dishing actionable advice and this post is no exception!
How to Survive a Long-Distance Friendship - ICYMI: I did a collab with Tiffany over at Endless Bliss. She gave some seriously great advice for those LD friendships we all seem to have these days!
Coffee Talk: Favorite Date Spots in Boston - Justin and I are dying to go to Boston before we leave NY and I think my upcoming birthday may just be the perfect excuse we're looking for. I loved this post with tons of suggestions that just SOUND like the perfect date spot.
How to Take Better Photos (for Instagram + More) - I've shared Kate's blog recently but this post was just too good not to share!
Spring Fashion: 10 Budget Finds Under $50 - If you're looking for some affordable spring fashion trends, this post is for you! I'm definitely ordering the little basket bag. So cute!
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