Second Trimester Pregnancy Recap + Update - Baby #2
How far along: 28 weeks so we’ve officially hit the third trimester and I couldn’t be more excited. The second trimester seemed to drag on and on and there were a few times when I truly didn’t think I was going to mentally make it through the rest of this pregnancy.
Name Situation: The name I said we had picked out in the first trimester update is not the name we’re going with. For a while after we found out the gender we thought for sure that was going to be the name and even told a few people that’s what we were going with but as time went on I just wasn’t convinced. With Jasper’s name I knew it was the one, I got this overwhelming feeling when I heard it for the first time and it instantly sparked something in me. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I had the same feeling with this baby’s name. I’m not sure when we’ll be announcing the name but I can’t wait to share it with you so make sure you’re following me on Instagram!
Gender: We’re having a girl!!! I’m still honestly in shock that this baby is actually a girl. I think part of me knew because of my intuition but just didn’t want to believe it and let myself get excited about all of the girl things. If we’re being honest, part of me is still afraid that someone is going to be like “oops, we made a mistake, you’re actually having a boy”. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. Anyways, it sounds dramatic but the idea of this baby being a girl was one of the things that got me through the second trimester. My mental health has not been great throughout this pregnancy so I was clinging to literally anything to get me through that second trimester. The day we found out I actually started crying when the woman doing our ultrasound told us.
Sickness: Like I mentioned before, my nausea was way worse this time around. I still didn’t get sick though thankfully and it subsided pretty quickly once the second trimester started but I think I’ve started to feel a little bit of it coming back, especially in the mornings.
Cravings: Still loving all of the berries and definitely have a major sweet tooth. Bubble Tea has been my current obsession, I think we’ve gotten it weekly for the last month.
Aversions: I haven’t had any specific aversions with this pregnancy like I did with Jasper but I have not had a very strong appetite at all throughout this pregnancy. It’s been so weird. I gained close to 30 pounds when I was pregnant with Jasper and at my last appointment I had barely gained ten with this one.
What I'm Wearing: I’m still wearing my favorite Elevate Power-Soft Leggings from Old Navy in the 7/8s length the majority of the time and I’ve actually avoided maternity specific clothing all together because it just really doesn’t fit me because of my petite body. I did splurge on this Free People knit set which I’ve been loving and recently just got myself a pair of LuLuLemon Align leggings but I’m not sure they’re actually going to fit when they come in (I think I sized up too much). As far as tops go, I’ve been living in oversized t-shirts which I get at the thrift store or from the men’s section at Old Navy but I’ve had my eyes on getting a few of these tunic tops from Free People. I’ve got an entire blog post in the works on Maternity Alternatives so stay tuned for that! I also recently picked up these workout/running shorts from Walmart and they are SO comfortable. They even have pockets!
Aside from that, I’ve been thrifting a lot of my pregnancy wardrobe. It’s been nice to go to the thrift store to get out of the house (and get a break from parenting) and to find pieces that I actually love and can wear even after this baby is born. If you want to see an entire post on thrifting for pregnancy, let me know!
Movement: I felt Jasper really early on but I didn’t start feeling Baby M until right around our anatomy scan. She moves the same way Jasper did though: constantly and loves to give me a good kick in the side when I’m laying down or switch positions at night.
Physical Changes: The bump is finally getting pretty big. It’s been interesting to compare it to my first pregnancy because I’m only about a month apart timeline wise and having a different gender. At this point with Jasper I felt like I was carrying around a basketball. This baby is definitely sitting much lower and I don’t feel like the bump is as round. My feet have also been swelling which isn’t something I experience with Jasper at all. Other than that, my left hip hurts pretty much all of the time, probably because that’s the only side it’s comfortable for me to lay on.
Workouts: I’ve started to add walking a mile a day and some arm workouts with squats into my daily routine. I say that like I’ve managed to complete more than one workout in the last week but at least I’m trying, right? I stayed pretty active during my first pregnancy because we lived in a much warmer climate but we have a treadmill so I need to stop using that as an excuse. Hold me accountable, would ya?
What we're most excited about: Obviously we’re excited about meeting Baby M soon but I’m super excited to share her nursery with you guys. I shared the mood board and inspiration for her nursery awhile back and I’ve been so obsessed with it. It’s been coming together so nicely and I’m just honestly stoked to share it with you guys.
What we're least excited about: I can’t speak for Justin but my main concern right now is being prepared to deal with postpartum. I will not be breastfeeding and the past week that’s opened up a lot of anxiety for me, thinking about how horrible my experience was last time, how much trying to dry up sucked, and I’m dreading having to go through that again. Honestly, I’m more worried about that whole ordeal than giving birth. But I’ll be stocking up on the same methods I used last time to dry up my breastmilk and hopefully it will be a much shorter process since we will be formula feeding from birth this time.

Second Trimester Pregnancy Recap + Update - Baby #2

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