The Ultimate Harry Potter Tag!
Y'all I 'm going to be real honest here and admit that I couldn't get my act together in time to write today's blog post. I've actually been working on the post in question for weeks but I don't feel it's quite ready yet. So anyway, since I did the Harry Potter Tag on YouTube Sunday, I figured this would be a great way to share the questions with you and hopefully inspire a few people to do the harry potter tag themselves!
You guys have been loving the Harry Potter content so far and I've honestly been having so much fun making it. If you can't tell from the beginning of the video, I was super pumped to make it. So have fun watching my go at the Harry Potter tag and I'll leave the questions below for you to answer your own ultimate Harry Potter tag!
If you want to see more YouTube videos, I post a new one every Sunday at 10 am EST! Subscribe and make sure you have post notifications turned on so you never miss a video!
The Harry Potter tag questions I got are from Silent Grapevine.
1. Favorite HP book
2. Least favorite book
3. Favorite movie
4. Least favorite movie
5. Which movie would you remake?
6. What parts of books or movies made you cry?
7. If you could hook up with one character, who would it be and why?
8. What would your Patronus be?
9. Favorite quote?
10. What house would you be in?
11. Favorite Weasley
12. Favorite villain (I somehow skipped this one, I’ll answer it in the blog!)
13. If you could meet any member of the cast, who would you meet and why?
14. Have you played any of the video games?
15. Do you like the end?
16. Richard Harris v. Michael Gambon
17. Favorite Hogwarts class
18. Which spell do you think would be most useful to learn?
19. If you could bring one character back to life, who would it be and why?
20. Hallows or Horcruxes?
21. How much does HP mean to you?
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