7 Great Movies and Shows to Watch on Netflix this Weekend
If you’re anything like me then you spend way more time browsing on Netflix trying to find something good to watch than actually watching anything. Just in time to kick off the weekend, I’ve got 7 movies and shows to watch on Netflix for ya right here on Made in Mom Jeans. I’m including the descriptions for each as well so you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into! Happy Netflixing!
The Old Guard
A group of mercenaries, all centuries-old immortals with the ablity to heal themselves, discover someone is onto their secret, and they must fight to protect their freedom.
I first heard about this movie from an artist I follow on Instagram who did some of the promo artwork for Netflix. The Old Guard is a movie that has it all, diverse characters and couples, Charlize Theron being a total badass, and so much more. I did not want this movie to end. The soundtrack is also AMAZING.
Code 8
Code 8 is a 2019 Canadian science fiction action film written and directed by Jeff Chan, about a man with superpowers who works with a group of criminals to raise money to help his sick mother. The film is a feature-length version of the 2016 short film of the same name.
My husband has a habit of picking movies to watch that I don’t like so when he told me he found a movie he thought I would like I was skeptical. But despite every other word being the f-word about halfway through, this movie was an easy watch. It originally came out in 2019 but the themes depicted are definitely relevant to the racial injustice we’ve seen come to a boiling point over the last few months.
In a retelling of the Arthurian legend, teenage sorceress Nimue joins forces with a young and charming mercenary named Arthur on a mission to save her people.
I first heard about this series a few months ago when I was looking for Netflix series to watch and I’ve been waiting for it to come out ever since. It is based on a book series and I haven’t read it yet but the world-building is so intriguing that I’m definitely planning on picking them up soon. I wasn’t sure how the series would go because you know how much bad special effects can ruin a good series but Netflix obviously poured a healthy budget into this one. We finished it over the course of a few days and I was so captivated by the retelling of the Legend of Arthur. If you’re looking for something with a strong female protagonist and a diverse cast, this is a good one.
Unsolved Mysteries
This series uses re-enactments and interviews to retell the circumstances of, well, mysteries that are unsolved. Covering crimes, tales of lost love, unexplained history and paranormal events, viewers are encouraged to provide information that might solve the mystery.
I mean, those of you who know me know this isn’t a surprise for me to have on the list. I love anything true crime related and Netflix outdid themselves with Unsolved Mysteries. The storytelling is captivating and I love the documentary-style interviews overlaid with the artistic retelling.
The Babysitters Club
Ann M. Martin's beloved books get a modern update in this series that follows a group of girlfriends and their homegrown babysitting business.
I mentioned The Babysitters Club on my stories about a week ago and if you’re looking for something cute and wholesome to watch, don’t sleep on this one. I love the modern take on this classic series that I have such fond memories of. Anyone else get the club boxes in the mail?
BNA: Brand New Animal
Morphed into a raccoon beastman, Michiru seeks refuge, and answers, with the aid of wolf beastman Shirou inside the special zone of Anima-City.
Even if anime isn’t your thing, I highly recommend trying out Brand New Animal! The animation style of this series is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before and I seriously loved the characters and world-building. I watched Brand New Animal so fast that I’m probably going to watch it again. Also, the intro is so good. If you watch nothing else please just jam out to the intro for me!
A teenager battles an onslaught of parasites from space with help from Migi, a docile parasitic creature that's taken over his right hand.
We just started watching this together last night but Justin has already seen it. He said it was really good and I’ve been seeing a lot of hype around it recently so I decided to give it a try. While some aspects are a little weird, I really like the characters so far and the overall plot is interesting enough to have me keep watching.
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Recent Blog Posts:

Dec 19, 2021
Realistic Self-Care Tips for Military Spouses
Dec 19, 2021
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Dec 7, 2021
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Dec 7, 2021
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I got a request to round up the recipe suggestions so I figured I’d plop them into this super simple post for ya. Let me know if you end up trying any of these recipes! The Hot Cocoa Cookies are definitely calling my name.
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Sep 28, 2021
I'm Done Using Motherhood as an Excuse
Sep 28, 2021
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Wake up earlier
Journal every day
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Aug 27, 2021
30 Day Journaling Challenge + Tips for Starting and Keeping a Journal
Aug 27, 2021
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Aug 1, 2021
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May 26, 2021
Infertility + Loss - Morgan's Story
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May 12, 2021
How to Handle the Unexpected as a Military Spouse
May 12, 2021
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May 12, 2021

May 5, 2021
Preparing to Formula Feed From Birth
May 5, 2021
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May 5, 2021

Apr 29, 2021
The 30 Things I Want to Do Before I Turn 30
Apr 29, 2021
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Apr 21, 2021
Apr 21, 2021
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Apr 21, 2021
Recent Podcast Episodes:

Aug 6, 2020
S1E7: Intimate Weddings and Ditching Wedding Traditions with Melissa of The Photobrief
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Aug 6, 2020

Jul 29, 2020
S1E6: 6 Things to Do When You're Stuck in the Waiting
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Jun 24, 2020
S1E3: Raising Curious Humans Through Montessori with Simone Davies
Jun 24, 2020
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Jun 24, 2020

Jun 15, 2020
S1E2: It's Okay to Call Your Mom and Other Advice for the Class of 2020
Jun 15, 2020
Welcome to Literally Though with Darrian Chamblee! Join military spouse, mama, and lifestyle content creator, Darrian Chamblee, as she invites you to grab a seat on her virtual couch to chat honest conversations about everyday life. In this episode, Darrian chats about life after college and shares some advice for the Class of 2020 that she wishes she had received before walking across the graduation stage.
Jun 15, 2020

Jun 15, 2020
S1E1: The Post Grad Leap of Faith that Led Me Here
Jun 15, 2020
Welcome to Literally Though with Darrian Chamblee! Join military spouse, mama, and lifestyle content creator, Darrian Chamblee, as she invites you to grab a seat on her virtual couch to chat honest conversations about everyday life. In this episode, Darrian chats about the time she made the pivotal decision that changed her life and led her to her career working as a civilian for the Army, meeting her husband, and the creation of the online community she has now. She also shares some actionable advice on how to mindfully approach making a big, life-changing decision.
Jun 15, 2020

May 28, 2020
Introducing the Literally Though Podcast with Darrian Chamblee
May 28, 2020
Welcome to Literally Though with Darrian Chamblee! Join military spouse, mama, and lifestyle content creator, Darrian Chamblee, as she invites you to grab a seat on her virtual couch to chat honest conversations about everyday life. From military life to the throes of new motherhood, and everything in between each week you'll leave ignited through the personal stories of Darrian and her guests to find inspiration in every day. Grab a seat and a cup of coffee and let's dive in! Subscribe now for updates and so you never miss a new episode!
May 28, 2020